This site exists to showcase those authors for Energion Publications who are Seventh-day Adventists. We do not categorize our authors by denominations in our catalog, though you can usually discover their connections through their author biographies, but occasionally someone wants to look for books by an author from a particular background.

There are occasional questions specifically regarding Seventh-day Adventist authors, as there are still those who may regard Adventists as a cult. For us, there are three clear points:

  1. Seventh-day Adventist doctrine affirms all of the elements of our doctrinal statement
  2. Seventh-day Adventist authors frequently write good books
  3. We are thankful for their contributions to Christian thinking, and we celebrate diversity in the Christian community, and indeed in the world.

For a detailed note from Energion owner, Henry Neufeld, who grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist, but is now a member of a United Methodist congregation, see Why I Publish Books by Seventh-day Adventists.

For a complete list of Energion Publications authors (all imprints), see our author list.